A strategy is ‘how’ we deliver objectives over the longer term (tactics in the shorter term). It focuses on issues of resources, processes, people etc.
As we stated in QANTAS: Anatomy of a Crisis #1, we think the QANTAS crisis team has nailed it in the Objectives.
Same with Strategies. They pulled on a showdown quickly and effectively. Most of the drama was over a weekend to minimise damage. And they will win.
There was always going to be criticism and QANTAS would have anticipated that – passengers were going to be inconvenienced. But to us that was balancing stakeholder strategies.
But first there are two critical strategies:
- Optimise the Crisis PR team to ensure it is top deck:
- Experience – everyone’s an expert in a crisis, from their armchair; very few have the actual road miles;
- Cool heads under pressure – we have no friends in a crisis, only critics; it’s taxing;
- Endurance – 24/7 for the duration;
- Media experience;
- Social media experience;
- Have an excellent and rehearsed Crisis PR plan.
Then we look each stakeholder:
- QANTAS management and senior staff
- How do we ensure they informed and onboard.
- How can we maximise the potential for staff to be our ambassadors? Also, morale is important.
- Passengers
- How to we optimise a constant information flow: clear,consistent, concise, constant.
- Where possible, how can we ensure sweeteners for the serious inconvenience, without appearing to waste money or ‘suck up’.
- Unions
- How do we manage information flow;
- How can we ensure the long term relationship is not terminal;
- if it is terminal, how do we ensure we have an alternative.
- Canberra’s Labor government (Gillard, Albanese)
- How do we manage information flow;
- How can they can assist us through this crisis; or, if we decide they can’t or won’t, how do we ensure we continue to have a workable relationship after the event;
- Canberra’s coalition opposition (Abbott)
- As above;
- Media:
- QANTAS already has excellent channels into the media; manage information flow;
- Ensure our relationship is optimal/superb.
In summary, in crisis PR we, the public, only see the efforts the company is making to communicate with us, through the media. However, there are a host of other strategies the company has to consider, besides talking to us.